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Showing posts from November, 2022

Introduction To Curriculum

  Introduction to Curriculum Content     Etymology of Curriculum     Meaning of Curriculum o   Narrow meaning o   Broader meaning     Definitions of Curriculum     Nature of Curriculum Etymology of Curriculum The word curriculum has been derived from Latin word “currere” meaning “to run the course”. Therefore, the literal meaning of curriculum is understood as a course of study and activities, allowing the student to follow it until s/he is finished with the course. Meaning of Curriculum Curriculum refers to all the content and learning experiences designed systematically for the holistic development of students and achievement of educational objectives. Curriculum is a means to achieve the aims and objectives of education, which are dynamic and go on changing with the changing social requirement. Curriculum is the crux of whole educational process. Without curriculum, any educational endeavor cannot be achieved. N...

Defense Mechanism

  Defense Mechanism Content Introduction Definitions of Defense Mechanism Need of Defense Mechanism Types of defense Mechanism  


  Maladjustment Content Meaning of maladjustment Causes of Maladjustment Remedial Measures of Maladjustment Meaning of Maladjustment The term ‘Maladjustment’ has been made from two words ‘Mal’ and ‘Adjustment’.          Thus, maladjustment means bad harmony or bad adjustment. Maladjustment can be referred to as the inability to maintain a stable relationship with environment or adjust to changing environment. Maladjustment is the process in which a person is unable to satisfy his/her personal, social, psychological or biological needs and thus establishes an unbalance between him/her-self and the environment. Causes of Maladjustment Causes of maladjustment are studied under two factors: Personal Factors and Environmental factors                        Personal Factors 1. Physical causes – Children having hearing impairment, blindness, or other physical challenges are unabl...


Adjustment Contents Meaning of Adjustment Definitions of Adjustment  Characteristics of Adjustment Process of Adjustment Factors Affecting Adjustment

Guidance and Counseling

  Guidance and Counseling Contents 1. Guidance Meaning of Guidance Definitions of Guidance Types of Guidance Scope of Guidance Characteristics of Guidance Need of Guidance 2. Counseling Meaning of Counseling Definitions of Counseling Scope of counseling Characteristics of Counseling Need of counseling


  Content Meaning of Childhood Developmental Task of Childhood Characteristics of childhood

Infancy : Meaning and Characteristics

  Infancy Meaning of infancy: Infancy is the shortest period of all developmental period. Infancy period begins with birth and stays till the infant is approximately 5 years of age. A newborn has a distinctive appearance. The head of the infant is very large, and the arms and legs are relatively short. Hair on the head can vary from almost no hair to a head full of hair. Infants are born with certain characteristics and abilities already observed. For example: infants have a well developed sense of smell and they can also communicate their emotions and needs by crying when they are hungry, uncomfortable, bored or lonely.   Characteristics of Infancy During infancy the characteristics are formed from the view point of physical, mental, linguistic, emotional and social development. a) Rapid physical development The physical development of an infant from birth to 3 years is rapid (very fast) in comparison to other periods of development. The size and weight of in...


 CONTENT 1. ADOLESCENCE Etymology Meaning of adolescence Other names of adolescence Definition of Adolescence 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF ADOLESCENCE 3. DEVELOPMENTAL TASKS OF ADOLESCENCE 4. PROBLEMS OF ADOLESCENCE

Factors Affecting Growth and Development.

  Factors Affecting Growth and Development Following are the factors that affect growth and development: 1. Heredity Heredity is the transmission of physical characteristics from parents to children through their genes. It affects all the aspects of physical appearance such as height, weight, body structure, color of eyes, skin complexion etc. Diseases and conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity etc., can also be passed from parents to child through genes, which affect the growth and development of the child. 2. Environment Environment refers to the atmosphere at the child’s home and his/her interaction with his/her family, peers, neighborhood etc. Environment plays an important role in the growth and development and it represents the sum total of a physical and psychological development. 3. Sex / Gender The sex or gender of the child is another major factor affecting the physical growth and development. At the time of puberty, boys and girls grow and develop different...

Principles of Development

 Principles of Development The principles of growth and development are: Principle of Continuous Development The principle of continuous development states that the development in human beings is continuous i.e., it starts at the time of conception and continues till death. However, the pace of development in different stages of an individual’s life is different i.e., it is sometimes slow and sometimes fast. Principle of Fixed Direction of Development Principle of fixed direction of development states that the development in an individual occurs in a fixed direction. For example: at embryo stage, first the head develops and then the lower portion the child’s body i.e., development takes place from head to toe in a fixed direction. Principle of Uniform Pattern Principle of uniform pattern states that the pattern of development in species of same kind is uniform. For example: In humans, a child’s milk teeth fall first and then his/her permanent teeth appear. This is a uniform patter...

Growth and Development

  Concept of Growth and Development Content 1. Growth Meaning Definition Nature 2. Development Meaning Definition Nature Types of development Stages of Development 3. Difference between Growth and Development.