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Principles of Teaching

 Principles of Teaching

General Principles of Teaching

  1.  Principle of Definite Aim
  2. Principle of Learning by doing
  3. Principle of Correlation
  4. Principle of Adaptability & Feasibility
  5. Principle of Democratic Behavior
  6. Principle of Past Experiences
  7. Principle of Child Centeredness
  8. Principle of Individual Differences
  9. Principle of Linking with Actual Life
  10. Principle of Planning
  11. Principle of Selection
  12. Principle of Effective Strategy
  13. Principle of Conducive Environment & Proper Control
  14. Principle of Remedial Teaching
  15. Principle of Division
  16. Principle of Revision

1. Principle of Definite Aim

  • Aims of teaching should be clear to the teacher.
  • It makes teaching and learning effective, interesting, precise and definite. Definite aim helps both teachers and students remain on the right track.


2. Principle of Learning by doing (/Activity)

  • Teaching is effective and productive, when students actively participate in the teaching learning process. That is, learning becomes active and quicker when the students are present both mentally and physically in the classroom.
  • Rousseau considers the child as ‘hero’ in the drama of education and as such he must play the dominant role. So, students should be given opportunities to participate actively in the teaching learning process.

3. Principle of Linking with Actual Life

  • Teaching can never be done in a vacuum i.e. in a de-contextual sense.
  • It is always done in context with the actual (i.e. real) life and experiences of the students.
  • In teaching of all school subjects, examples and non-examples should be taken from real life of the students as it helps keep students focus and interest into the teaching learning process.

4. Principle of Adaptability & Flexibility

  • Teaching should not be rigid and stereotyped.
  • Teaching should be elastic and flexible so that changes and modifications can be made according to changes in and requirement of the students.
  • Teachers should be imaginative, creative, and resourceful enough to adapt themselves to the requirements of the students and the teaching learning environment.

5. Principle of Democratic Behavior

  • Like in society, each individual in the classroom (or school) is entitled to equal rights.
  • The teacher should create a democratic environment in the classroom, so that each student can speak his/her opinion (/answer) without the fear of being ridiculed or scolded.
  • Teachers should treat all students equally without any discrimination or special preference towards students belonging to particular caste, creed, colour, background etc.

6. Principle of Past Experiences

  • New knowledge can be acquired on the basis of past (/previous) knowledge.
  • Teaching should be linked to with the already acquired knowledge and experiences of the students, it helps understand concepts easily.
  • It facilitates teaching and helps achieve the stipulated objectives with ease.

7. Principle of Child Centeredness

  • The entire process of teaching and learning is for the child. Therefore, it is essential that teaching strategies should cater to the needs, interest, aptitude, and abilities of the students.
  • The need, interest, aptitude, and abilities of the different students should be given due importance in the teaching learning process


8. Principle of Individual Differences

  • Individual differences means that no two individuals are alike, they differ in their interest, aptitude, attitudes, characteristics, ambitions etc.
  • In a classroom, some students are slow learner and some are quick learners.
  • Good teaching always respects the individuality to learners in the classroom.
  • By considering each child as a unique individual, the teacher pays attention to every student in the classroom and adapts various strategies to cater to the individual needs, interest, aptitude, etc of the students.

9. Principle of Correlation

  • In the teaching learning process, the knowledge is presented as one whole, i.e. various ideas and events are interrelated.
  • Subjects are not taught in isolation to the students, they are presented in such a manner that subjects are correlated to each other. It helps students learn and now about the concepts in a broad and comprehensive way.
  • For example, English taught in correlation to Environmental Science by asking students to write an essay on Soil Corrosion.

10. Principle of Planning

  • Planning decides the quality and success of any task.
  • Planning of teaching involves the preparation of lesson notes, selection of appropriate teaching aids and deciding strategies and methods to be adopted during the teaching learning process.

11. Principle of Selection

  • The content to be taught and the teaching learning material (TLM) to be used should be carefully selected by the teacher.
  • The TLM should be chosen such that it complies with content to be taught, aims of teaching, and student’s capacity of comprehension.

12. Principle of Effective Strategies

  • For a teaching learning process to be effective, teacher must adopt proper means, strategies, and tactics.
  • A teaching strategy is a generalized plan for a lesson which includes structure, desired behavioral changes in students, teachings methods to be employed and an outline of planned tactics necessary to implement the teaching strategies.
13. Principle of Conducive Environment and Proper Control

  • Physical as well as social environment of the classroom plays a vital role in motivating the learners.
  • The classroom should have proper lighting, furniture, cleanliness, and seating arrangement.
  • The teacher should be emphatic, firm and capable of maintaining proper discipline and order in the classroom.

14. Principle of Remedial Teaching

  • All students in the classroom do not have the same speed and ability of achievement; some students lag behind others and need extra help and attention of the teacher.
  • The teacher needs to firstly diagnose the difficulties and problems in students learning; and then select and adapt appropriate remedial measures to remove the learning difficulties and problems.
  • Teacher might have to arrange the remedial or compensatory or extra classes of group of students lagging behind others to remove their specific learning difficulties.

15. Principle of Division

  • Principle of Division states that the chosen subject matter should be divided into convenient and meaningful smaller units to make it more understandable to students.
  • This strategy of dividing the subject into units and subunits facilitates the teaching learning process.

16. Principle of Revision

  • According to psychologist, drill and practice are essential for assimilation of knowledge.
  • Revision helps students recall what they have already studied sometime before and also helps teachers to test the understanding of students.

Psychological Principles of Teaching

  1. Principle of Motivation & Interest
  2. Principle of Repetition & Exercise
  3. Principle of Readiness
  4. Principle of Change, Rest & Recreation
  5. Principle of Feedback & Reinforcement
  6. Principle of Encouraging Self-Learning
  7. Principle of Group Dynamics
  8. Principle of Creativity & Self Expression
  9. Principle of Empathy and Cooperation
  10. Principle of Stimulation
  11. Principle of Effect
  12. Principle of Play way

Principle of Motivation & Interest:

  • “Motivation is the prerequisite for learning.”
  • Teacher should facilitate learning of the students by motivating them and developing their interest towards the subject matter.
  • Motivation arouses interest in students, and once they come interested; they become ready to concentrate and study.
  • Teacher can develop motivation in students by following techniques:

  1. Utilizing the instinctive tendencies of the students in effective manner,
  2. Satisfying the curiosity of the students,
  3. Utilizing and involving maximum senses of the students,
  4. Linking subject matter to real life of the student

Principle of Repetition and Exercise:

  • According to this principle, the more a stimulus induced response is repeated, the longer it will be retained.
  • “Practice makes a man perfect.”
  • The teacher should involve repeating learning tasks, so that the students understand, retain and recall the subject matter more effectively.

Principle of Readiness:

  • Principle of readiness emphasizes on the readiness of the learners to participate in the teaching learning process.  
  • Readiness is the preparation for action.

Principle of Change and Rest:

  • Psychologists have stated that fatigue, lack of attention, and monotony can be removed by making appropriate provisions for change, rest and recreation in the teaching learning process.
  • Teaching learning process followed by rest and change refreshes the mind and prepares learner for effective learning. This point is kept in view while preparing time table.

Principle of Feedback & Reinforcement:

  • Feedback and Reinforcement is an important part of teaching learning process, as students get appropriate review about their learning through them.
  • Feedback about progress and achievement of student and positive reinforcement like praise, grade, and positive gestures contribute to make the task of learning enjoyable.

Principle of Providing Training to Senses:

  • “Senses are the gateway to knowledge.”
  • The teacher can develop ability of observation, differentiation, identification, generalization, and application in students by effective teaching learning process with involvement of student’s maximum senses.

Principle of Encouraging Self-Learning:

  • Teachers should develop interest of students in the teaching learning, which further helps to encourage students for self learning.
  • Teachers must inculcate habits of self study, independent work, and self learning in the students by providing them appropriate opportunities in teaching learning process.

Principle of Group Dynamics:

  • Teachers should provide students with opportunities to work in group which helps them develop essential skills like cooperation, mutual respect, self expression, communication skills etc.
  • Teacher can provide group activities like group assignment, group discussions, debates etc.

Principle of Creativity and Self Expression:

  • According to this principle, teachers should provide students’ opportunities where they can explore new thing & events, find cause effect relationships between events, create something novel and original etc.
  • Teachers should be given opportunities like extempore, group discussions, talent hunts etc., where they can express their opinions and showcase their talents.

Principle of Empathy and Kindness:

  • Effective teaching learning process occurs when teachers show empathy and kindness towards student’s needs and interest.

Principle of Stimulation:

  • According to Burton, “Teaching is the stimulation, guidance, direction, and encouragement of learning.”
  • Also Ryburn emphasizes this aspect in his words, “The guidance of the teacher is mainly a matter of giving the right kind of stimulus to help him learn the right things in the right way.”

Principle of Effect:

  • It is based on Throndike’s Law of Effect.
  • Principle of effect states that a response is strengthened if it is followed by pleasure and weakened if followed by displeasure.
  • Therefore, teachers should include such learning activities and experiences which give pleasure to the learners; which will guarantee effective learning of the learners.

Principle of Play Way

  • This principle is closely related to “Principle of Learning by Doing.”
  • According to Frobel, “Play is the chief activity of childhood. It gives children joy, freedom, contentment, and inner peace.”
  • But “without rational conscious guidance” says Frobel, “Childish activity degenerates into aimless play instead of preparing them for tasks of life; for which it is designed.”


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